How Common Are Bot Flies in the United States?

Bot flies are insects that can infest humans and animals. They live in the skin of the animals they infect and reproduce by depositing their eggs on the flesh of the host. These bugs are also known as warbles and are a major pest in tropical countries. Adult bot flies can be large, with fine hairs on the face and dense hairs on their genae. There are only a few species in the United States, with the remainder found in Mexico and the neotropics. Taxonomy is difficult and current keys to separate species are incomplete.

Bot flies are part of the family Oestridae. The larvae of bot flies live inside the flesh of their hosts, causing it to become itch and bleed. This condition is called myiasis, and can be very painful.

The genus Cuterebra includes several species of botflies. About 40 species are found in North America, with many being endemic to the region. The larvae are parasitic on mice and rat, as well as dogs and humans. The flies lay their eggs on plant and animal vegetation near their hosts. They may detect odors as a cue for where to lay their eggs. After one week, the eggs will hatch.

Although botflies are native to the United States, there are some factors that could cause them to cause discomfort in humans and animals. While they do not cause significant illness, they can be hazardous to the health of wildlife. If you think you are at risk, call your local pest control service to ensure that your home is free of botflies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

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