How Common Are Bee Flies?

Bee flies are not uncommon. These insects fly close to the ground and occasionally fly up to treetops to warm up. They may even spend the night in the treetops, where they perch with their abdomen pointed upward. They also quirk their wings in order to warm up their thorax. Their tendency to hover above flowers allows them to feed without being noticed by predators.

Bee flies are found throughout the world. Their appearance is similar to that of bees, with larger eyes and two pairs of wings instead of four. They also have long legs and thin antennae. Although they do not have pollen baskets, they play an important role in pollination.

Bee flies are not dangerous to humans. The larvae of bees can sting, but they are usually harmless. During their adult stage, bee flies pollinate flowers with their long legs. If you see bee flies around your property, you should let them go outdoors to pollinate plants.

The bee fly’s proboscis, which is similar to the tongue of a hummingbird or butterfly, is long and spiky. They use this to feed on nectar. While bees don’t sting humans, bee flies have long, thin tongues that do not curl when not in use.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!