How Can You Kill Fruit Flies With Fly Spray?

If you want to get rid of fruit flies, you can try several different methods. One of the most effective ways is to trap them with a bottle of expired wine. You just need to make sure the wine is vinegarier than usual. Then, you can add some liquid dish soap to the bottle, and the fruit flies will be trapped inside.

Another method is to make a homemade fly spray. This is easy to make and only requires a few household items. The alcohol in the spray will kill fruit flies on contact. Using this method, you can also kill fungus gnats, which are often found on houseplants and fruit.

Another way to get rid of fruit flies is to keep your kitchen as clean as possible. Garbage should be disposed of outdoors or in a trash can with a lid. You should also store food scraps in the freezer or compost bin. Also, keep your sinks and drains clean.

Fruit flies love to live in dirty places. Overripe fruit is an ideal breeding ground for them. Drains, garbage bins, and mops are also attractive breeding sites for them. By removing these attractive places, you can significantly reduce the number of fruit flies you have.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!