How Big Are Fruit Flies?

Fruit flies are very small insects that can be found on fruit. They are in the fly family, Drosophilidae. They are reddish or brownish in color and have large, compound eyes. They have four translucent wings and an oval body. They can be up to an eighth of an inch long.

Fruit flies are not dangerous for humans, but they can annoy you. Fortunately, the life cycle of fruit flies is relatively short. The average adult fruit fly can live for up to 50 days. They are most active during the fall harvest season, but they can be a problem indoors throughout the year. In fact, they are quite common in supermarket produce departments and in garbage cans.

The larval stage lasts for five to six days. The adult female Queensland fruit fly lays up to 100 eggs per day. The eggs are about one millimetre long. The larvae feed on the surface of the fruit and burrow into the ground. They later change into brown hard pupae. When the fruit fly flies are large enough, they emerge as adults from the ground.

Adult fruit flies are about an eighth of an inch long. They are brown, yellow or black in color and have red eyes. Their antennae are shorter than those of gnats. Gnats can be brightly colored and have long legs.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!