How Are Flies Getting in My Basement?

Flies can get into a basement in many ways, but a common cause is decaying or dead animal carcasses. Other sources include stagnant water, trash, and garbage. A few simple measures can help eliminate flies. First, drain out any water in the basement. Second, make sure the floor is dry. If you can, keep the floor and walls clean by keeping garbage out of the basement.

Flies often enter your basement through a gap in a wall or window that is easily accessible. Flies will often buzz around the house for hours before finding a small opening. Once they are inside, they will look for food and lay their eggs. Usually, they will not go back through the same hole, and they will spend two to four weeks in your home before they find another way out.

Another cause could be a broken drain line. In that case, you may have a problem with drain flies. Luckily, these flies do not pose a health risk to you. You can hire an exterminator to help you get rid of the problem.

If you have a broken sewer line in your basement, flies can enter through a small hole. A sewer line break can go unnoticed if the hole is small. Once they find it, they will start breeding and feeding in it. You can find evidence of this in the basement through a rotten-egg smell.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!