Do Flies Have Teeth?

If you have ever wondered, “Do flies have teeth?”, then you will be relieved to learn that they don’t. Flies don’t have teeth or any other parts that aid in breaking down food. Because of this, they must rely on a liquid diet. Flies don’t have teeth; instead, their mouths absorb food with enzymes and secrete digestive fluids that turn solid food into liquid form.

Like humans, flies are attracted to rotting food, which means they must have food nearby to feed. They also have compound eyes that give them a 360-degree field of vision. These eyes are also fixed, so they don’t move, making it easier for them to keep an eye out for danger. Flies also live a short time, usually only 30 days. Their life cycle includes laying eggs.

While flies don’t have teeth, they do have sharp edges that help them cut through clothing and skin. However, they don’t use these sharp edges to chew your blood because it’s already in liquid form. Unlike humans, mosquitoes don’t have teeth to grind up their food. Instead, they feed on parasites, some of which are inside the body and others live outside. A tapeworm is an example of a parasite that lives inside an insect’s body.

Flies are incredibly common. There are over 120,000 species worldwide, with nearly 18,000 species in North America. Their short lifespans and ability to reproduce in large numbers makes them a nuisance in many situations. Flies are also a potential health risk, as they can spread dangerous diseases.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!