Can You Get Rabies If a Bat Flies Near You?

Bats can carry a variety of infectious materials such as brain material and saliva, and it is therefore important to get a test for rabies from any bat that flies near you. If you see a bat that appears to be rabid, contact your primary care doctor. You should not attempt to catch the bat on your own, but should try to catch it and bring it to a lab for testing. The test will determine if you need rabies vaccination.

The Virginia Department of Health confirmed 17 cases of rabies in bats this year. Most cases result from bat encounters in homes. Although there are fewer cases of rabies than in recent years, there is still a risk of exposure to bats.

The risk of bat rabies is low, but you should get a rabies test if you are concerned about the possibility of bat contact. If the bat is grounded, there’s a higher risk of infection. You should also get your rabies vaccination immediately, even if the bat does not have a visible bite wound.

Rabies treatment is relatively painless. The vaccination is usually given through injection in the thigh or upper arm. The injections are not painful, and most people don’t even feel them.

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