Can You Eat Fruit With Fruit Flies?

When you buy fruit and vegetables, you should thoroughly wash them. Fruit flies carry germs and bacteria, which can result in food poisoning. The most common treatment is to use an antibacterial. In some cases, you should avoid eating any fruit and vegetables if they are infested.

Fruit flies feed on rotting and decaying food. They may even lay their eggs in fruit. While it is unlikely that you’ll be eating fruit with fruit flies, the insects can be a nuisance in the summer. Just make sure that you wash it thoroughly before storing it in the fridge.

Fruit flies can also transmit harmful bacteria, like E. coli and listeria. This can lead to serious food poisoning and even be life-threatening. While fruit flies don’t bite, their hairy bodies and sticky feet can make them potentially harmful for human health. In extreme cases, eating fruit and vegetables with fruit flies can cause infections or allergic reactions.

Fruit flies are a nuisance that can make you feel uncomfortable. Infested fruit can be harmful for your health and can ruin bananas. Fortunately, fruit flies are only nuisances for a short time. They usually show up in large numbers in the late summer and early fall. During the summer months, they tend to be attracted to fruits and vegetables that are rotting or fermenting.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!