Can House Flies Get High?

Insects have been known to get high on a variety of drugs, including marijuana, LSD, caffeine, and mescalin. One study found that amphetamine increased spider activity and web building, and it also increased the activity of flies. But can house flies get high?

The answer depends on what conditions the flies are in. Most flies can’t get much higher than 3,000 feet. However, some species can make it to 5,000 feet. However, flies tend to stay near the ground, where they can find food and water. However, if the temperature outside is colder than 70 degrees, they’ll freeze.

One way to control the growth of house flies is to reduce the amount of garbage around the house. Fly screens and insecticidal sprays can be used around the trash bins. You can also use old-fashioned fly swats to control the flies. It’s also important to make sure the garbage disposal unit is clean, and that the lids are tight.

House flies can spread a variety of diseases, including diarrhoea and a variety of skin infections. However, because they don’t bite humans, they are an indirect, rather than direct vector of disease. House flies are also known to spread food-borne pathogens and may therefore be a serious problem for businesses.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!