Can Fruit Flies Have Black Eyes?

The infamous red-eyed fruit fly is a hard insect to spot. They are tiny, measuring only a tenth or fiveth of an inch. Although you can’t see their red eyes with the naked eye, they are easy to spot with a microscope. They are often found in drainage systems and organic matter. They’re not territorial and tend to gather in large groups. They prefer warm and humid conditions, and their population peaks during harvest time.

When you find them, the first thing you should do is look for the source of the problem. Most likely, the fly is breeding in wet areas, such as underneath cracked or broken floor tiles. This could be due to food spillage or refrigerator condensation. If you suspect that fruit flies are breeding in your home, you can try applying a bacterial drain cleaner. It can be used three times a month.

It is important to remove the breeding sites of fruit flies. This may be a challenging task, but perseverance is required. If you’re having a hard time locating the breeding sites, try using a clear plastic food storage bag. It will allow you to see the flies’ eyes and will also reveal whether you have a fruit fly infestation.

Another way to deal with fruit flies is to avoid fruit. The flies prefer ripe fruit, and it’s important to avoid fruit that is close to ripe. To prevent this, store your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator and make sure to wash them well. Avoid placing fruit on your counters.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!