Are Fruit Flies Bad For Your Health?

While fruit flies do not bite humans, they can cause irritation to the skin and clusters of red bumps. Though they are generally not harmful to the human body, fruit flies can harbor harmful bacteria. The flies may transfer these organisms to foods, which can cause food poisoning. In addition, fruit flies can transfer contamination from their breeding grounds to your body.

To prevent fruit flies from invading your home, you should eliminate their food sources. These include any sweet, fermented, or rotten foods. They also prefer garbage, recycling cans, and compost bins. Avoid leaving fruit lying around or storing them in the refrigerator, as this can attract fruit flies.

Adult female fruit flies lay an uncountable number of eggs on fruit. These eggs hatch within 12-15 hours and feed on the decomposing organic matter. In many cases, you may not notice the infestation until you cut a fruit open. The resulting soft pulp is a sign of infestation. Although fruit flies are not directly responsible for the decaying of food, their presence will attract other pests. Rats, ants, and cockroaches will all feed on fruit flies.

While fruit flies do not harm humans directly, they are still a nuisance to people who live in homes. They tend to be more abundant during the late summer months. They are often harmless when left alone, but their presence indicates an unsanitary condition in the home.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!