Why Do Fleas Exist?

If the conditions are right, fleas can live for more than a year on a single host. Their life cycle begins as eggs, which hatch into larvae. The larvae live in dark and moist environments. They feed on other fleas’ feces and grow into adults within eight to 24 days. Fleas are easily identified by their reddish waste products, which are the first sign of an infestation.

Fleas are tiny, flat insects that are about an eighth of an inch long and have a pair of biting mouthparts. They move quickly along the animal, so it is important to check the fur regularly to ensure your pet is free of fleas. Fleas can be located using a flea-comb or by wetting your animal’s hair. Fleas feed on any warm-blooded animal, but prefer hairy hosts.

Mosquitoes are a common problem throughout the world, but they are an important part of our environment. They contribute to the life cycle of many plants and participate in nutrient recycling. In addition, they are important pollinators to many plants and animals. And as a result, they are incredibly important to the health of our planet.

Fleas serve as intermediate hosts for many other organisms. They transmit diseases, and parasites to their hosts via secondary mechanisms.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!