Why Can’t I See Fleas on My Cat?

Fleas are very small, dark insects that live on cats. The adult flea is only an eighth of an inch long, and is easily visible with the naked eye. You can check for fleas by inspecting the brush that you use to groom your cat, and by laying your cat on its side and inspecting the thin hair areas. If you notice flecks of dirt in these areas, your cat may have fleas.

Another sign of flea infestation is excessive grooming. This may cause bald patches on the legs, neck, and tail base. Your cat may start scratching excessively, or he may be licking himself a lot. A veterinarian should be called in to treat the skin inflammation and prevent infection.

You can also check for fleas by using a fine-tooth comb on your cat. Fleas will drop to a white surface if they are present. Fleas will also shed flea dirt. Flea dirt will look like black flecks of dirt. If your cat is scratching excessively, it may be a sign of flea infestation.

Fleas can also be transferred to your cat through other pets. In some cases, fleas can get onto your cat when it visits your veterinarian or a groomer. Also, you may bring your cat to a pet hotel or another pet’s home.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!