Where Can Fleas Be Found?

Fleas are tiny critters that live on animals. They live most of their lives in a cat or dog’s skin, where they can reproduce rapidly. Adult fleas can live for up to five months in a human host. They can detect their host by their body heat, odor, and movement, and will migrate to that area to find a new host.

Fleas prefer warm, moist environments, like grass under shrubs. They also prefer shade, so they tend to be attracted to shady places. Stacking wood and debris on your property can provide a flea breeding ground, too. Avoid creating piles of wood and other clutter, because these areas are a favorite hiding place for fleas. You’ll want to keep your yard and surrounding areas clean and tidy to prevent fleas from escaping.

Fleas are most commonly found on legs and ankles, and are less visible than tick bites. While they aren’t harmful for humans, they can cause severe problems, especially for animals with severe infestations. Their bites may itch or bleed, and they may be infected with bacteria. They can cause a variety of medical conditions, and are even deadly. Fleas can also be transmitted to humans and animals by their saliva.

Fleas can live for long periods in your house or yard, so the first step in flea control is to make sure your home and yard are free of them. You might find a few fleas on your pet, but they’re only the tip of the iceberg. It’s best to work with a professional flea exterminator to ensure a full and permanent flea-free home.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!