What to Do If Your Dog Has Fleas
Fleas can be very unpleasant to dogs, and the easiest way to tell if your dog has fleas is to look for flea dirt on its skin. This dirt looks dark and is red when water is applied to it. If you notice this on your dog, then you need to do something about it. If you suspect that your dog has fleas, you can take your pet to a veterinarian to get a thorough checkup.
Fleas can cause many problems for your pet, including excessive scratching. Fleas feed on the blood of both humans and dogs, so they carry a variety of dangerous bacteria. They can also trigger severe allergic reactions in some dogs, and even small breed dogs can get ill.
Fleas live in the bedding, carpets, and other surfaces of your home. They can jump onto your dog or cat to feed on your pet. Once they feed, they usually move on to another host. The symptoms of fleas can include pale gums, lethargy, and dark stools. If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, you should take them to a veterinarian immediately.
Adult fleas are easy to spot with the naked eye. You can also detect their excrement with a flea comb. Flea dirt is a dark brown or black substance that comes from fleas. Flea dirt looks like dirt, but is easier to detect with a comb. Flea dirt is usually found at the base of the tail.