How Long Do Fleas Survive Without a Host?

When it comes to fleas, the question of how long do fleas live without a host is not an easy one to answer. The life cycle of fleas is determined by various factors, including the host and the environment in which they live. Adult fleas can live for up to two weeks without feeding on a human or animal. However, this life cycle can be prolonged in many different situations.

Fleas go through four stages of development. During the first stage, they are called pupae, and they live in dark, dry areas, where they feed on organic debris. Once the environment is right, the flea will emerge as an adult and feed on the blood of its host. It may remain in this stage for several years before it is ready to feed on a new host.

Adult fleas need a host in order to reproduce. If they are separated from their host, they will eventually die. It is very unlikely that they will jump onto another host. The best time to treat a flea infestation is before it becomes an adult. In addition, it is important to note that non-adult fleas don’t need a host and can survive without food for up to 100 days.

Adult fleas usually live between 30 and 90 days with a host. When they do survive without a host, they usually spend more time in the sleeping area of the mammal. During this time, the female flea will lay up to eight eggs on a host’s fur. The eggs are not sticky, but they do need a mammal to hatch. If the host is not warm or dry, the eggs will die.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!