Identifying Where Fleas Come From

Fleas can appear anywhere, so identifying where they are coming from is essential for flea prevention. Fleas live on pets and humans, and their presence can cause serious health risks. You should always treat your pets for fleas, as well as get rid of them as soon as possible. Fleas can also infest your home, so you should take steps to prevent them from getting inside.

Fleas can start an infestation by jumping onto your pet from many different places. The adult flea will spend its entire life on a single animal, and will lay up to 2,000 eggs during their short life. Flea eggs are deposited on your pet’s skin by other fleas or by other animals that have been infested by the flea. These eggs hatch into larvae and feed on organic matter shed by the host. Flea larvae hide under animal bedding and avoid light.

Fleas can also infest your home through your pet’s clothing and shoes. They also can enter your home through sliding doors and screened windows. You can treat your home with a chemical insecticide spray or a concentrated IGR to rid your home of fleas. You should also wash your pet’s bedding to kill any flea eggs.

Fleas originate in outdoor areas. They cannot survive in hot and dry conditions, so they prefer moist and shady areas. They can hide in your carpets and under rugs, as long as they are out of direct sunlight. Fleas can live for up to three months without a blood meal.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!