Do Fleas Leave Stains on Pets’ Fur?

If you have a pet, you may be wondering: do fleas leave stains on your pets’ fur? Fleas are tiny, wingless insects about the size of a black pepper speck. Adult fleas are reddish-brown and have long, thick back legs. They can jump up to 12 inches, and they have hundreds of immature fleas on their body. While you may not be able to see the fleas themselves, you can easily spot them by their black excrement.

If you are unsure whether your pet has fleas, you can use a special flea comb to determine the presence of fleas. Flea dirt dries to a red or brown stain when mixed with water. You can also rub the area with a white towel that has been dampened. This should remove any flea dirt.

You can also treat all pets and areas where your pets spend time. A medicated flea shampoo can kill the fleas, as well as their eggs. Vacuuming regularly is also helpful. Fleas prefer warm, moist environments and may burrow into carpets or fabrics.

Fleas can also leave dirty residue on your pets’ bedding. These residues resemble tiny black pepper grains and are the fleas’ feces. Fortunately, most animals are allergic to flea saliva proteins, so they often scratch their bites and lick their bedding to remove the parasites.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!