How Much Does it Cost to Fumigate a House For Fleas?

Fumigating a house for fleas is one of the most effective methods for eliminating fleas. A qualified professional knows how to use chemicals effectively to eliminate these pests, and will be able to identify additional pests and make sure that all parts of the home are treated. However, the price of a fumigator’s services will depend on how many square feet the house is.

A professional flea fumigator will use foggers or bombs to rid a home of fleas. These devices will kill any fleas in the home, and a typical cost for fumigation is $300 to $500. These fumigators will also clean up any carcasses that are left behind by the fleas.

Once the fleas are dead, the next step in getting rid of them is to kill the eggs that are hiding in the home. These eggs can be found in cracks, and the larvae can live in furniture and carpet. You can also try to treat the original host to kill the remaining fleas, but if you’re unsuccessful, the fleas may come back again. So, you should choose to hire a professional for the job.

A qualified fumigator will provide a thorough flea treatment and provide you with a certificate. The price for fumigating a house for fleas is between $290 and $590, depending on the number of treatments you need and the severity of the infestation. An initial treatment will cost $190 and the follow-ups will cost $99 per visit. The quarterly treatments are designed to prevent fleas from re-infesting your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!