How Much Does it Cost to Dip a Dog For Fleas?

Dogs are vulnerable to flea infestations, and dipping them in a flea dip can kill the fleas on your dog’s skin. A good dip should kill all stages of flea life, including the larvae, pupae, and adults. A home flea dip can be a more cost-effective solution than a veterinary-provided service. However, be sure to select a safe product if you have a sensitive dog.

A dip is a treatment that kills fleas by soaking the dog’s skin in water containing insecticides. Some of these contain natural ingredients like limonene, while others contain synthetic ingredients like permethrin. These products should be applied to the dog several times a year to ensure effective flea control.

When applying flea dip to your dog, make sure to follow your veterinarian’s instructions carefully. Pet owners should not use the product on other animals, and they should wash their hands after handling it. Pet owners should also store the medication in a secure place, away from children and other pets. If your pet ingests the product, you should immediately take your dog to a veterinarian. Your vet can start IV fluids if necessary and start a detoxification process.

The average price of a flea dip for a 30 pound medium size dog is $20-$35. However, some dog owners may need more than one treatment. The treatment may take a few weeks to completely eradicate the fleas. Some vets offer monthly flea preventative treatments. They also offer monthly flea combs to help keep fleas away.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!