How Many Fleas on a Cat is Considered an Infestation?

While there are many ways to treat flea infestation, home remedies aren’t always as effective as professional treatments. It’s important to remember that fleas can spread quickly, and that you must treat the entire infestation. This can be done with flea treatments that kill adult fleas and larvae present in the environment. It’s best to start flea treatments as soon as you see signs of infestation.

Adult fleas spend most of their time on a pet, laying eggs on their host. Within a few days, these eggs will hatch into an adult flea. This adult flea is about an eighth-inch long and is brown or black in color. They live for about three weeks during peak season, but can survive for as long as 100 days on their host.

Cat fleas are the most common cause of cat infestations. They are small, flat-tipped insects that live in the fur of a cat. They are black or brown, and are great jumpers. They also deposit eggs on your cat’s carpet or furniture. Once there, the eggs hatch into larvae and pupae, which develop into adult fleas.

Keeping your house clean and free of dusty areas is essential to keeping your cat and house flea-free. Vacuuming regularly will help to kill the larvae and adult fleas in your carpet. Vacuuming will also help to remove pre-emerged fleas in your pet’s bedding. You should also wash all pet bedding with hot soapy water on a weekly basis. In addition, you should clean used carpets and upholstered furniture regularly.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!