Can Fleas Cause Seizures in Cats?

Seizures in cats can occur for several different reasons. It is important to note that seizures are brief. They are often accompanied by other abnormal behaviors, such as binge eating and excessive tiredness. If you notice that your cat is having seizures, it is a good idea to consult a veterinarian. They can perform various tests to determine the cause of seizures and recommend treatment if necessary.

Symptoms can begin within hours of flea exposure. Some cats may exhibit drooling, depression, labored breathing, weakness, and convulsions. Severe infestations can even result in death. If your cat has had fleas for a long time, it is important to find the source of the infestation so that your cat can receive proper treatment.

Seizures in cats can be triggered by various factors, including toxic exposure, metabolic abnormalities, and infection. Seizures are usually brief and last a couple of minutes, although severe cases may last for hours. Sometimes, seizures can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as aggressiveness, shadow-chasing, and biting.

If you notice that your cat is having frequent seizures, visit a veterinarian immediately. Seizures can lead to brain damage and other health complications. Your vet may prescribe an anticonvulsant drug to treat the problem. Depending on the underlying cause, this medication may require several doses. Once you find a treatment that works for your cat, you may find that they are no longer experiencing seizures.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!