How Long Do Fleas Take to Hatch?

If you’ve ever wondered how long do fleas take to hatch, the answer is about one to three months. In conditions that are less than ideal, flea eggs can remain dormant for months before hatching. The best conditions for flea hatching include heat and humidity. During this time, it’s crucial to keep your home and pets free of fleas.

In order to prevent your pet from getting infected with fleas, make sure your home and pets are completely treated with a prescription flea product. This will prevent fleas from producing eggs in your home and will kill the fleas once they’ve hopped onto your pet. Fleas can reappear up to three to four weeks after treatment is applied. In this time, they lay pupae, which hatch into adult fleas and begin their life cycle.

When flea eggs are in an environment that is suitable for their development, they can reach the larval stage within two to three days. This means that the eggs must be kept at 70-85 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidity of fifty-five percent or higher. If these conditions are not present, the eggs can take up to two weeks to hatch.

The life cycle of a flea includes four stages: the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The duration of this cycle depends on temperature, humidity, food, and environmental conditions. Typically, a female flea will lay between four and eight eggs after a meal. The highest concentrations of laying take place during the female flea’s last few days. If the temperatures are warm enough, the eggs will hatch into larvae in about twelve days.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!