How Fleas Get in Human Hair

Fleas can jump long distances for their size. The average jump ranges from eight to 19 inches. Most flea bites occur on the ankles and feet. Unlike bedbugs, fleas cannot complete their life cycle on humans, but they can get into your hair if you sleep on infected animals. They can also bite people who sleep close to the animal’s sleeping area.

The best way to prevent fleas from infesting your hair is to use a product that kills flea eggs. You can purchase a shampoo that kills eggs and larvae and is effective against fleas. This shampoo should be used regularly to prevent flea infestation.

Another natural flea killer is lemon-scented dish soap. This product has antiparasitic properties, which means it will kill fleas while also decreasing the irritation caused by their bites. Alternatively, you can apply a baking soda paste to your hair and leave it on for about ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse it well.

A flea infestation can cause an outbreak of dermatitis. Fleas can remain on a human for up to several months before they itch and become infected. They may also cause hair loss and even allergic reactions.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!