How Fast Does Advantage Kill Fleas?
When used in the recommended dosage, Advantage stops fleas from biting within three to five minutes. The product is effective against adult fleas and flea larvae for up to twenty hours. This product remains effective even after exposure to water, rain, and soap-free shampoo. It is safe for use on pets, but it should not be used on pets that are already affected by flea allergies or dermatitis.
Fleas need a host to survive. Therefore, if your pet is exposed to fleas, it’s important to treat the pet as soon as possible. However, it’s important to keep in mind that fleas can survive for two weeks without their host. Fleas can be found in pet kennels, dog parks, and backyards. During this time, an adult female flea can lay as many as 50 eggs per day. When these eggs hatch, they grow into larvae and then pupae. The last stage of the life cycle is the cocoon stage.
In addition to killing fleas, Advantage is also effective in killing ticks. It works by applying a solution to the affected areas. This solution quickly penetrates the lipid/fatty layer on the affected area and kills fleas within a day.