Can Fleas on Dogs Transfer to Humans?

There is a great deal of uncertainty surrounding whether fleas on dogs can transfer to humans. Some experts believe that dogs can be bridge hosts for flea-borne diseases, and may even be a source of these illnesses. While not a direct threat to humans, fleas on dogs can be an inconvenience and can cause severe allergic reactions.

Fleas are brown-colored parasites that feed on human blood. They often jump more than a foot, so you should make sure you keep a safe distance from your dog. The problem with fleas is that even if they do not jump onto your skin, they can infest your home. Fleas can lay eggs on your clothes or hair, and you may even bring them home with you on your travels.

Flea bites can be difficult to eliminate, especially when they are widespread. If you miss one, the infestation may return again. That’s why thorough cleaning is essential. You can apply an anti-flea shampoo to relieve your dog of the itch, and use a flea spray or powder to control flea numbers. If your dog is allergic, he or she can also receive a prescription for cortisone ointment.

Fleas are a worldwide problem. They can live anywhere, so it is important to protect your dog from the disease by keeping it clean and dry. Fleas are a year-round issue, but certain regions are more likely to experience flea infestations because of humidity.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!