How Do Short-Haired Dogs Get Fleas?

Fleas can infest both long-haired and short-haired dogs. While fleas are more noticeable on long-haired dogs, short-haired dogs are equally susceptible to flea infestations. Fleas will jump from one dog to another, so it is important to prevent flea infestations by avoiding flea-infested areas.

To prevent fleas, you can treat your dog and your home with an effective flea treatment. Flea products for dogs are available in powders, topical liquids, and shampoos. To prevent fleas from coming back, regularly vacuum your home and wash bedding and clothing.

Fleas can live in grass, in pet beds, or on your dog’s coat. Fleas are also spread by other dogs, which means that your dog can get them from the lawn, boarding, and grooming facilities. Cats can also carry fleas, so the more pets in your yard, the more likely your dog is to get them. You should also be aware of ticks, which can live in tall grasses, woods, and edges.

Dog fleas are not as harmful to humans, and you can treat your dog’s flea infestation with an oral flea treatment or clipping the hair. A veterinarian can also recommend the appropriate flea treatment for your dog.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!