How Did Fleas Get the Black Death?

The Black Death was one of the most devastating epidemics in human history. It was caused by the Yersinia pestis bacterium, which was transmitted to humans by fleas. It causes fever and swollen lymph nodes, and can be transmitted through contact with infected fleas. It is also carried by rats and rodents.

A major cause of the Black Death was the unsanitary living conditions of the people during the time. During this period, people did not wash frequently, and floors and roofs were covered with straw. As a result, rats and fleas were constantly in close contact with the humans. The fleas drank blood from the infected rats, absorbing harmful bacteria in the process.

Infected rodents also carried the plague bacteria. These rodents often died after becoming infected with the plague bacteria. Rodent fleas are often infested with plague bacteria and become a reservoir for the plague bacteria. This enzootic cycle allows plague bacteria to spread among rodents at a low rate.

Although scientists do not fully understand how the Black Death spread, they do know that the plague was spread through different ways. The Black Death was spread by rodents and lice, and humans spread the plague through coughs and vomit. Scientists are trying to find out which route was the most responsible for the spread of the disease.

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