How Did Fleas Get on My Indoor Cat?

Fleas are an annoying pest that have been known to infest indoor cats. They can get in from a variety of sources, including other pets from the neighbors’ yard. They can also come in from used furniture and from pets that have moved into a new house.

Fleas can sneak into your home through clothing and pets and can jump on people. Fleas are incredibly tiny, and they can jump through the insect screens to get to your cat. They can also land on your cat if your cat spends time in an area with long grass or bushes. Likewise, fleas can be carried in the homes of rats and mice and may leave a trail of eggs.

Fleas can also get into your home by jumping from your cat to your clothes. Fleas are attracted to warm bodies and will use them as a food source. Your cat may have come home with fleas from a friend or a guest from another home. Fleas will only stay on the host for long enough to feed, and then jump off. Once they have their meal, they will look for a new host. Fleas lay their eggs in places where cats and dogs congregate. Flea eggs can lay dormant for long periods of time and hatch when a warm blooded entity comes near.

In addition to fleas on your indoor cat, you can also find them on people’s clothing and bags. You can also find them on second-hand furniture and during a move. It will not cost you much to flea-proof your home, but it’s far better than paying the high vet bill and having a sick cat from fleas. Besides, your cat will be much happier if it’s flea-free.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!