How Can I Help a Stray Cat With Fleas?

If you’re worried about fleas on your indoor cat, there are several things you can do to help him or her. First, you need to get rid of flea eggs. Flea eggs are transferred from one cat to another when they bite, and indoor cats can acquire fleas from stray cats outside. You can help the kitten by giving it flea medication. However, be sure to do this as soon as possible, as missing a dose will allow the fleas to get a foothold.

Fleas are not only unpleasant to your pet, but they can also cause serious illness. These tiny insects can cause severe itching and discomfort, and can cause anemia, particularly in kittens. The risk of flea anemia is highest in kittens, and this is why flea treatment is so important.

If you’re worried about fleas on your cat, you can purchase a flea powder from your local pet store and sprinkle it on your cat’s sleeping and feeding areas. Your cat won’t notice the powder, but it will rub on its fur and kill the fleas. Once your cat is completely flea-free, it’s a good idea to release it to its natural habitat.

If you don’t want to buy chemical treatments, you can also use a flea comb. These are easy to use and kill fleas on your cat without the use of chemicals. After applying the comb to your cat’s coat, dip it in a bowl of soapy water and rinse it with it. The soapy water will drown the fleas as they fall off the comb. Repeat this treatment daily until fleas are no longer present on your cat.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!