Do Fleas Give Cats Tapeworms?

If you own a cat, you may wonder if fleas give cats tapeworms. The answer to this question depends on how you treat your cat. There are different medications available for treating tapeworms. You can administer dewormers to your pet once a month to kill the worms. Some of these medications may cause vomiting and diarrhea in your pet. In some cases, you can treat your cat with only one treatment.

The tapeworms you see in cats are caused by the eggs that fleas lay in their mouths. Fleas are the primary intermediate host for these parasites, and they lay eggs in the environment. The fleas then feed on these eggs, and when they hatch, the tapeworms migrate to the small intestine to feed. Once your cat has tapeworms, they may have difficulty getting rid of them. However, you can still treat your cat for tapeworms with the help of a vet.

Fleas are a common problem for pets, especially those that live in homes with carpets. If your cat has had fleas in the past, you should look for red bumps on its lower legs or ankles. Using a white sheet of paper, check the skin for any faeces or flea eggs. You should look for red splotches as these are the results of blood digested by the fleas.

The tapeworms that fleas can give your cat can cause a variety of symptoms, including excessive itching and constant licking of the anal area. You may also notice that your cat has anal proglottids. Your veterinarian may conduct a fecal flotation test to determine if your cat has tapeworms. But beware that false negatives are not uncommon.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!