How Bad Are Fleas For Dogs?
The life cycle of fleas begins with their eggs, which a female flea lays on your dog. The eggs hatch in days or weeks, depending on the temperature and humidity. In warm, humid climates of seventy-five to eighty degrees Fahrenheit, flea eggs hatch the fastest. These eggs fall off the dog when it walks or plays, spreading them all over your home.
The first step in eliminating fleas is to wash your dog thoroughly. You should clean and disinfect your dog’s bed, blankets, and soft toys to eliminate the flea eggs and larvae. Repeat this process frequently until the infestation is gone. For the best results, you should use hot water when washing bedding and soft toys.
Fleas live for up to a month, but in some cases, they can live for up to a year. They feed on the blood of their host animal, then lay eggs on its skin. These eggs take from two days to two weeks to hatch. A heavy infestation can even cause anemia in young dogs.
During late summer, fleas are at their peak. They usually live around the neck and tail area, so it is important to get regular vet visits to check for fleas. If the fleas are already present, a vet can recommend a monthly or quarterly flea medication to protect your pet.