Fleas Can Eat Through Plastic

It’s been proven that fleas can chew through some plastic. This phenomenon isn’t limited to plastic. Fruit flies are also known to bite plastic. They can even survive a spin cycle. Despite their tiny size, they can spread through your home and affect your pets in many ways. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize their population.

One method is to mix a cup of distilled white vinegar with a cup of water. This mixture can be sprayed on the affected areas, including carpets, clothes, and furniture. This solution will suffocate fleas for up to five days. In addition to this, it will also kill the eggs.

The other method is to vacuum the affected area. You should make sure to use a plastic bag when vacuuming. After using the vacuum cleaner, be sure to dispose of the bag in an airtight container. In addition, you can use natural flea repellents for home use. Essential oils can be added to a solution of water and apple cider vinegar to kill fleas. However, these mixtures should not be used on pets. Before using essential oils, you should conduct a test on an area that you think has a flea problem.

If you suspect that your pets have fleas, it is best to get rid of them as soon as possible. Using a shampoo is a good way to kill fleas, and you can use a boric acid powder to kill fleas. To get rid of fleas on furniture, rugs, and other surfaces in your home, wash pet bedding as well.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!