Do I Need to Treat My Yard For Fleas?

The first thing you need to do to control fleas in your yard is to keep it clean. This means that you need to mow the grass, pick up weeds, and clear away any debris. Debris is a good place for fleas to breed, so you want to keep your yard as clean as possible. Additionally, keep your yard clear of pet toys.

If you’d like to kill fleas without using chemicals, you can use beneficial nematodes to treat your yard. These microscopic worms are naturally present in the soil and can be applied to your yard with a sprayer. Unlike insecticides, these nematodes are safe for fish and bees, so they’re a great way to treat your yard without harming them. You can find beneficial nematode products in garden stores and online. Another natural flea killer is borax, which is effective at killing fleas and is relatively non-toxic to plants.

Fleas thrive in warm climates. They can lay up to 50 eggs a day and can live for up to two years. They’re often attracted to yard areas with debris and piled wood. By mowing the grass regularly, you’ll be making the environment less attractive to fleas.

Using a flea-killing treatment on your yard can help you eliminate fleas faster. It’s also important to treat your house as well, especially if you have a severe infestation. Not only will this kill fleas, but it can reduce the irritation caused by their bites. You should also remove any pet bedding that has been infested with fleas. You can use a plastic bag and tie it tightly. You can dispose of this bedding in a trash can.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!