Do I Need An Exterminator For Fleas?

A professional flea exterminator will come to your home and inspect your home to determine the level of infestation. They will then come up with a treatment plan that is tailored to your situation. This plan will most likely include either heat treatment or a chemical solution. The latter will typically involve the use of a residual flea control product.

It is important to remember that adult female fleas lay up to 50 eggs a day, which can be difficult to kill. You may need to repeat the treatment if the fleas continue to reproduce. In addition, be sure to remove any food and stored mouth items before the treatment.

Fleas can be hard to detect, which is why it is important to take measures to treat them right away. You can try over-the-counter flea sprays around entrances to your home, as well as natural remedies like lavender oil and diatomaceous earth. If these remedies don’t work, you can always call a professional exterminator to get rid of the problem for good.

The number one tool in the arsenal of flea control is flea spray. Diatomaceous earth, which is non-toxic and blends in with carpet fibers, is another option. Another chemical that will kill fleas is insect growth regulators, or IGR, which disrupts the life cycle of the flea. When used properly, these products can be very effective against flea infestations.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!