Do Fleas Ever Go Away?

Fleas have many life stages and can be present throughout your house. To get rid of fleas, you must treat both your pet and their environment. This includes washing your clothing in hot water and disinfecting the yard. If the fleas are on your pet, you can also use pyrethroid sprays or foggers.

The best time to treat your home for fleas is in the cool winter months. Fleas are very resilient and difficult to get rid of without the use of effective products. If you have more than one pet in your home, the best time to treat is when the temperature is cool and your pets are not outdoors. Fleas have a tendency to jump long distances and can spread quickly.

Fleas live in the fur of a host animal and can be visible in their coat and on their skin. You can also check your dog’s ears for evidence of fleas. Fleas often lay eggs, so you can expect to see flea dirt on your pet. Flea dirt looks like small black specks of grit but is actually digested blood. If you’re not vigilant, fleas can reproduce and start their cycle again.

Fleas can also be found on humans. In addition to being annoying to pets, fleas can also cause irritation and an allergic reaction to humans. They can easily infest carpets, bedding, and furniture.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!