Can You Kill Fleas With Dawn Dish Soap?

Dawn dish soap is one of the most popular brands of dishwashing liquid in the United States. Its unique formula works by breaking down the waxy layer on the flea’s exoskeleton. This allows water to penetrate the flea’s circulatory system and kill it. It also kills flea eggs and larvae.

When bathing your pet, the water temperature should be lukewarm, about 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure not to use too much water in sensitive areas, such as around the eyes, nose, and mouth. Then, apply Dawn dish soap liberally to your pet’s coat, beginning at the head. Fleas are attracted to areas where there is very little soap water.

In addition, Dawn suds may asphyxiate fleas. Fleas breathe through openings called spiracles on their exoskeleton, and the soap will block those openings, causing the flea to die of lack of oxygen. Dawn also contains surfactants, which can remove a flea’s integumental waxes. The wax is important for fleas, since it makes them water-resistant and prevents them from dehydrating.

Dawn dish soap is effective in killing fleas on pets, but it is not the best method for preventing fleas from returning. A more effective and coordinated approach is necessary to eliminate fleas for good. You should clean your home often and call a veterinarian if your dog has fleas. If the problem persists, consider hiring an exterminator.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!