Can Fleas Jump From Person to Person?

Fleas are small, brown-colored parasites that bite and suck blood from their hosts. Although they can jump up to 13 inches, they do not have wings. They attach to hosts by attaching themselves to their fur. In crowded areas, fleas are more likely to find new hosts.

Flea bites may look like a mosquito bite but are less pink and inflamed. These bites can be itchy and may be located on the body parts, such as the chest and the abdomen. Fleas may also leave behind small pimples or blisters. The bites can also be contagious, and a flea can carry parasites that can make humans sick.

Adult fleas can jump and bite, but they spend most of their lives on pets such as cats and dogs. They multiply very rapidly and lay their eggs on sleeping animals. Their eggs are not sticky, so they fall off the host and into the pet’s bed. If you catch a flea on your body, you should treat it with a human flea shampoo.

If you have an infestation, keep an eye on the situation for a couple of weeks. Fleas can stay on clothes for up to two weeks before they start to spread elsewhere. You can also use natural flea deterrents to keep them away. You should also regularly inspect for signs of flea bites and dirt in your bed sheets.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!