Fleas – Small Insects That Penetrate Human Skin

Fleas are small insects that are able to penetrate human skin. They jump on the skin for a quick bite and then jump off to find a new host. In severe infestations, this can lead to numerous bites. The bites can be quite painful. The bites may also be itchy and inflamed.

If you suspect a flea infestation, you should immediately consult a doctor. You can try applying bug repellent or chemical sprays, but these will only exacerbate the infection. A visit to a dermatologist or doctor is recommended for severe infestations. Attempting to treat flea bites yourself can cause additional damage, such as a secondary infection or pus-filled blisters.

The most common places where fleas attack humans are the legs, arms, and ankles. However, they can also bite the arms, abdomen, and neck. Flea bites can become sore for days or weeks. Often, a small red spot will appear after the bite.

Fleas also carry several diseases. It is estimated that more than 2,500 species of fleas can transmit disease to humans. They can infect humans by feeding on an infected host. If the infected host is scratched, flea feces are spread. In fact, the black death was spread by fleas.

The cat flea is the most common type of flea encountered in homes. However, the dog flea is not commonly found in North America. Infestations caused by adult fleas can result in a number of serious health problems, including tapeworms and secondary skin irritation. They can also cause anemia. The bites caused by adult fleas often feel like a sharp pricking, and the saliva secretions of the flea can be irritating.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!