Why Does a Cockroach Come Toward You?

A cockroach’s behavior can be unpredictable. Although it does not have poison or deadly fangs, they can still run towards a person or animal to escape. Moreover, their speed makes it difficult to catch them. However, they can also be dangerous for people who are afraid of them. If you find a cockroach in your home, be sure to investigate its behavior before you act on it.

The cockroach might come towards you to avoid being swatted or smothered by light. Some species can fly, but they are less likely to do so. Besides, cockroaches are not good flyers. This can lead to an incorrect perception that a cockroach is flying towards a person.

Despite their smarts and resilience, cockroaches have a fear of light. They are sensitive to changes in light and noise, as well as air flow. Since they can’t hide in light, they will run and hide if they see it. Moreover, they have over 2000 light receptors and can sense minute vibrations through their legs.

Often, this is not an indication of an infestation, but rather a sign that there are some cockroaches present in the home. It is common for cockroaches to come towards people, but it does not mean that you have a full blown infestation. You should always be vigilant and take measures to keep your house free of cockroaches.