When Do Cockroaches Sleep?

Cockroaches can be found at any time of day. They come out in swarms and then work for about four hours. Once their work is complete, they return to their lairs in cracks and crevices. Once they return to their lairs, they enter a period of immobility. This cycle begins all over again.

If you’ve ever observed a cockroach in your home, you probably noticed it the first time you walked into the room after a late-night activity. It is not unusual for a cockroach to stay hidden until the perfect time to emerge. They generally have four hours to find food, mating, and water before retiring to sleep.

In order to stay healthy, cockroaches need to get adequate rest and sleep. A lack of sleep can affect their normal biological processes and reduce their reaction time, making it difficult to run away from a predator. Typically, they’ll move their antenna or limbs before falling asleep, but once they’re fully asleep, they cease to move. Because cockroaches are nocturnal insects, they come out of their hiding places around midnight or during periods of little activity.

Cockroaches follow a 24-hour circadian rhythm, similar to our own. This rhythm helps them adapt to the day-night cycle. They stay hidden in the day and come out during nighttime, when they seek food and avoid light.