When Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?
You may be wondering when do cockroaches lay eggs. The truth is that the eggs are only laid by the female cockroach. Female cockroaches deposit their egg sack in a protected place before they nymph up. After the nymphs emerge from the egg sack, they will go through a series of moltings. They will then develop into a fully-grown adult cockroach after approximately a year. Whether the eggs are deposited in the summer or winter does not matter; cockroaches can breed in any climate.
Cockroaches do not like light and prefer dark areas. Consequently, they choose dark corners or dark wooden furniture to lay their eggs. You may even find cockroach eggs on your clothing. If you find cockroach eggs on your clothing, it’s likely that they were hatched in a drawer.
The female American cockroach lays eggs inside a hard case called an ootheca. This hard casing contains approximately 16 eggs. The female cockroach carries her egg case for a few days before depositing it somewhere safe. If you are concerned about cockroaches laying eggs, you can take precautions to keep the population from growing out of control.
Cockroach eggs are usually reddish brown in colour and are approximately 8 to 10 mm long. In general, the female cockroach will lay between one and eight egg capsules during her lifetime. They are deposited in a suitable location and will hatch within forty to 160 days, depending on species and surrounding temperature.