What to Do If You Find a Cockroach in Your House

If you find a cockroach in your home, the first thing you need to do is to eliminate its food source. This might seem difficult at first, but the roach will find food sources in almost anything, including cardboard, book bindings, leather, food grease, and even human hair! Roaches are omnivorous, which means they love greasy bites, starches, and meats. However, they won’t eat toothpaste, glue, or soap.

Cockroaches are not poisonous, but they can carry diseases and allergens. They spread 33 different types of bacteria, including E. coli and Salmonella, and they also transmit parasitic worms. They also feed on food by crawling through it and defecating on cooking surfaces.

Cockroaches can also be attracted to water, so be sure to check for leaks. Leaks can be located under the sink or attached to a hose. Fix these leaks to prevent the cockroaches from breeding. It is also important to drain standing water in your home, particularly under sinks. Another good way to prevent cockroaches is to make sure you don’t overwater indoor plants.

Cockroaches can enter your home through any opening, and they are often attracted to food and water. The best way to eliminate cockroaches is to keep the area clean and clutter-free. You can also try caulking entryways to prevent roaches from entering.