What Sound Does a Cockroach Make?

The sound of a cockroach is very distinct from other insects. It is a high-pitched tumbling sound that can make people nervous. But unlike crickets, cockroaches can produce other sounds as well, including chirping, crackling, and shrill noises. Some of these sounds can be heard far away, while others are faint and hard to hear.

Most roaches do not make any noise while they are alive, but some species can be heard when they die. A cockroach will move to the center of the room and then die on its back. Before dying, it will lose its control over its legs and will stop moving. It will then fold its legs under its body. This atypical behavior is characteristic of cockroaches that are on their last legs.

Many types of insects produce sounds that distinguish them from each other. Although cockroaches do not make any noise during the day, they may make small noises at night. Often, people mistake these sounds for those of click beetles. In addition, small populations of cockroaches can produce a crunch sound when smashed or flitting.

Some species have distinct hisses, which they use to communicate and attract females. Male Madagascar roaches create a loud hissing noise when threatened. They also use sound power to fight against their opponents. They make this sound louder than their opponent.