What Smells Do Cockroaches Like?

Cockroaches have a unique odor, and they use this smell to communicate with other roaches and find food and breeding areas. Their presence in your home can be detrimental to your health, since they carry disease and can spoil your food. They may also aggravate pre-existing health conditions like asthma. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of cockroaches with a little bit of preparation.

One natural method is to apply a solution of oregano oil in water to roaches’ living spaces. This mixture is highly effective, and it is available in a commercial form. This oil can also be applied to roach traps, as it makes the roaches search for new sources of food and shelter. Stronger scents like pepper and cayenne pepper can also deter roaches from hiding in areas where they can find food.

Another effective method is to use floral smells to repel cockroaches. These scents can be natural or processed, and they are effective at keeping roaches away from food. Lavender is a good plant to grow in an apartment or courtyard, and it will give your home a fresh, pleasant smell. It requires a bit of care but can be very rewarding.

Roaches produce an unpleasant smell both when they are alive and dead. The stench that roaches give off after they die is a warning to other roaches that they should stay away. The stench will build over time as the dead roach decomposes, and a single dead roach can mean the presence of a smelly colony.