What to Do If a Cockroach Bites You

If a cockroach bites you, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately. Cockroach bites can cause inflammation, pain, and lesions. They can also result in infections. The symptoms of a cockroach bite vary in intensity. Generally, however, you can expect mild to moderate pain.

You can apply lemon juice to the affected area using a cotton bud or damp cloth. This will help to reduce the swelling and lessen the likelihood of scratching the bite. You can also apply rubbing alcohol if you have it at home. You should also wash the affected area with soap and water.

The first step in cockroach bite treatment is to clean the affected area thoroughly. Afterward, apply a topical anti-itch cream or ice. If the bite is swollen or painful, you should consult a doctor for medical treatment. You can also apply a tea bag or tea tree oil to soothe the bite.

Cockroaches do not intend to attack you. They like to hide in dark, moist places where you are unlikely to see them. They are not poisonous, but their bites can leave a nasty mark on your skin. However, they won’t cause any permanent damage.

In severe cases, the bites may turn red or scabbed. If the bites are swollen or infected, seek medical attention. Cockroaches can also cause allergic reactions. Some people experience skin rash, shortness of breath, or anaphylaxis.