What Size is a Oriental Cockroach?

The oriental cockroach is a common household pest in the United States. This species is often mistaken for a water bug or black beetle due to its glossy black body. They can enter homes and buildings easily as they can climb on garbage chutes and water pipes. They can also be found in flowerbeds and mulch. Infestations caused by this species can be devastating.

Oriental cockroaches reproduce quickly, with a single female producing up to 115 roaches in a year. Females lay up to eight egg cases at a time, which hatch within 60 days at room temperature. During this time, the nymphs molt seven to 10 times before reaching adulthood. The nymphal stage lasts anywhere from 24 to 130 weeks, and the adult female lives for between five and 26 weeks. They produce approximately 200 offspring during their lifetime. The population peaks in late spring and decreases in early summer due to natural mortality.

Oriental cockroaches can be found in large numbers and can cause an unpleasant odor in the home. Often, this is caused by contaminated food. Their egg capsules can last anywhere from 12 hours to five days, and they must be deposited in a warm, sheltered environment to hatch. Female Oriental cockroaches will not give much assistance to their young, so they must be kept out of the way.