What Cockroach Eggs Look Like

Cockroach eggs look like small, brown eggs. Depending on the species, cockroach eggs can vary in size and color. They resemble a small purse with jagged edges, or a mini kidney bean. In addition to the size and shape, cockroach eggs can contain 15 to 38 eggs.

Cockroach eggs can be found in dark, tight places. Female cockroaches deposit their eggs in cracks in walls and floors. They also lay them near food. The eggs of the different species can look different, so it’s important to know what to look for. If you see cockroach eggs in your home, it’s best to call a pest control expert.

Finding cockroach eggs is one of the hallmark signs of a roach infestation. Whether the infestation is recent or ongoing, finding a nest of cockroaches in your home is an alarming sign for you and your family. Call a pest control professional and get a free estimate.

Cockroach eggs vary in color, shape, and size. Some lay their eggs singly, while others lay them in clusters. A cockroach’s life cycle can last from three to twelve months, depending on the species. Once a female has laid her eggs, she will glue it to a surface.

Female cockroaches lay their eggs in a shell known as an ootheca. This shell contains up to forty eggs. The shell hardens over a few hours and protects the eggs from predators and the elements. The eggs will hatch after about 24 to 38 days.