What Can You Say About Cockroaches?

If you’re worried about cockroaches, you can rest assured that they don’t cause harm to humans. The cockroach, as its name suggests, has evolved to work in symbiotic relationships with other organisms. For millions of years, they have protected their bacteroids. They live within the cockroach’s fat body.

Cockroaches have spread throughout the world due to human migration, exploration, and trading. Cockroaches are believed to have first appeared in Africa, then reached the Americas through the early slave trade. Although cockroaches are widely distributed, only 10 species are cosmopolitan and have gained common names.

Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures that spend most of their time feeding. If you see cockroaches during the day, it is a sign that you may be dealing with an infestation. These nocturnal pests prefer dark, moist places where they can stay hidden. They also have the ability to flatten their bodies so that they can squeeze themselves into tight spaces, such as cracks in walls or welcome mats.

While they do not bite, cockroaches carry bacteria that can cause illness, which is why the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns people to limit their exposure to cockroaches. Their fecal matter is also harmful to human health, and it has been shown to trigger allergic reactions and asthma in children. You should contact a pest control company if you notice any cockroaches in your home.