How Small Are Cockroach Eggs?

Cockroach eggs are the first step in the life cycle of these critters. The size of the egg varies greatly depending on the species, but most are smaller than 1 mm in length. They are brown, red, or black, and have bumps on the side where they split open, ready to hatch. They develop into adults within three to six months.

Often, cockroach eggs are found near a food source and in storage areas. These areas can be damp or dry. Regardless of where you find the cockroach eggs, it is possible to avoid letting the critters in your home by cleaning out any cluttered or dirty storage areas.

If you’ve already found adult cockroaches in your home, you may be wondering how small are cockroach eggs. This is a common misconception. Many people have believed that cockroaches do not lay eggs when they’re killed. This myth has its roots in the fact that female cockroaches often die with their ootheca inside, resulting in a viable ootheca hatching into a nymph. Besides, if the roaches were killed with the ootheca attached, the eggs would be still viable and hatch as if the ootheca had been deposited in a safe place. However, if an egg is exposed to damage, it would likely die.

The size of cockroach eggs can vary greatly depending on the species. German cockroaches lay up to 50 eggs in one egg case, while American cockroaches typically lay between twelve and sixteen eggs. In some cases, there are multiple egg cases of the same species. It is possible to identify each individual egg by its appearance and color.